Friday, February 22, 2008

day 12, 13, 14

I've been really bad the last couple of days... just worn out and didn't get any pictures posted, although I did take some. Here are a few:

Cascade Christian Church at night. There's kind of a weird looking shadow on the bottom half of the church, but I still like this picture. You should see it at Christmas time with lights up. Darin helped put up the lights this year, and he claims it was pretty scary. Although I remember on our honeymoon thinking I was going to have to carry him down the trail at Multnomah Falls that we hiked up because he was freaked out by the heights.

Darin getting a little crazy at Billy's. I'm always trying to capture his jumping on stage but it's hard to get a good shot. This one turned out pretty good.

Another picture from the Billy's show. I like this shot of Rodney.

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